TLDR Web Dev 2024-06-07

Surprise $96k Vercel bill 🤯, the truth about MVPs today ✍️, losing $40k in 2 minutes 🤦

Defensive UX: Making AI & machine learning interactions safer and user-friendly (Sponsor)

Articles & Tutorials

How Deep is Your DOM? (5 minute read)

What is Google Zanzibar? (10 minute read)

Opinions & Advice

Software MVPs can no longer be low quality (1 minute read)

Compromised visions are superior (8 minute read)

You should keep a developer's journal (5 minute read)

Launches & Tools

Fontsource (Website)

Browser Extension Mark Scroll Positions (Website)

SVG Gobbler (GitHub Repo)


Ada Lovelace's 180-Year-Old Notes Previewed the Future of Computers (6 minute read)

How I learned Vulkan and wrote a small game engine with it (45 minute read)

Quick Links

Cost-Efficient NLP with OpenAI's GPT-3.5-Turbo (11 minute read)

AWS CLI Essentials (1 minute read)

Developer posts secret key on GitHub, loses $40K in 2 minutes (2 minute read)

Surprise $96k Vercel bill (1 minute read)

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