TLDR Web Dev 2024-09-06

Claude memory 🧠, OAuth from first principles 🔐, how to prevent burnout 🚫

Articles & Tutorials

OAuth from First Principles (10 minute read)

An SSR Performance Showdown (7 minute read)

The Complete Developer Guide to React 19, Part 1: Async Handling (10 minute read)

Opinions & Advice

Why I still self host my servers (and what I've recently learned) (26 minute read)

Tell HN: Burnout is bad for your brain, take care (Hacker News Thread)

Stop using SERIAL in Postgres (3 minute read)

Launches & Tools

Claude Memory (GitHub Repo)

Redwood v8.0.0 (8 minute read)

Qustar (GitHub Repo)


Why Don't Tech Companies Pay Their Engineers to Stay? (5 minute read)

Deploying Rust in Existing Firmware Codebases (14 minute read)

Giving C++ std::regex a C makeover (8 minute read)

Quick Links

Tinystatus (GitHub Repo)

People can read their manager's mind (7 minute read)

Nanite WebGPU (GitHub Repo)

Lesser known parts of Python standard library (5 minute read)

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