TLDR Web Dev 2024-05-24

Top 1% Google engineer advice šŸ“ˆ, high quality code tricks āœļø, React optimization šŸ› ļø

Behind on AI? To future proof your career, start with the fundamentals (Sponsor)

Articles & Tutorials

Snappy UI Optimization with useDeferredValue (16 minute read)

Sneaky React Memory Leaks: How useCallback and closures can bite you (10 minute read)

Opinions & Advice

How this Googler Got the Highest Rating Twice (8 minute read)

Design System Retrospective (10 minute read)

Test-Driven Development: How I failed at it and tried again (8 minute read)

Launches & Tools

Namviek (GitHub Repo)

matcha.css (Website)

Cover Agent (GitHub Repo)


Making EC2 boot time 8x faster (9 minute read)

A root-server at the Internet's core lost touch with its peers. We still don't know why (6 minute read)

Quick Links

Porter Cloud (Website)

Env-var (3 minute read)

HealthKit API for the Web (Website)

What is your favorite trick/rule that results in high-quality code? (Reddit Thread)

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