TLDR Web Dev 2024-05-23

Twitter logout bug 📲, S3 is old 💾, React Conf 2024 Recap 🎁

Articles & Tutorials

React 19 lets you write impossible components (13 minute read)

Speeding Up File Load Times, One Page At A Time (14 minute read)

The curious case of the missing period (12 minute read)

Opinions & Advice

Things You Should Never Do As A Software Engineer (7 minute read)

S3 Is Showing Its Age (4 minute read)

Launches & Tools

Jira.js (GitHub Repo)

Neosync (GitHub Repo)

Lost the joy of programming? Try building projects for the heck of it (Sponsor)

Legend-State 3.0 Alpha (2 minute read)


Systematically Improving Your RAG (9 minute read)

How I Made Google's “Web” View My Default Search (5 minute read)

Quick Links

React Conf 2024 Recap (5 minute read)

You can no longer log out of X/Twitter (Reddit Post)

Navigating the JavaScript framework ecosystem (42 minute video)

Are People Using Container Queries? (3 minute read)

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