TLDR Web Dev 2024-05-10

Why React rerenders πŸ“, the best website ever πŸ’», GraphQL vs REST πŸ€”

The 'how to' conferences for boosting engineering impact (Sponsor)

Articles & Tutorials

Why React Re-Renders (17 minute read)

Protobuf Editions are here: don't panic (8 minute read)

Opinions & Advice

It's always TCP_NODELAY. Every damn time (5 minute read)

What's the best looking/performing website you've ever seen? (Reddit Thread)

Launches & Tools

Tiny World Map (GitHub Repo)

Command-K (GitHub Repo)

CodeHelium (GitHub Repo)


I Reviewed 1,000s of GraphQL vs. REST perspectives (10 minute read)

Ruby typing 2024: RBS, Steep, RBS Collections, subjective feelings (7 minute read)

Quick Links

Postgres Message Queue (GitHub Repo)

Ellipsis (Website)

A/B Testing on the Front-End (6 minute read)

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