TLDR Web Dev 2024-04-17

Postgres’ insane decade 📈, failures vs mistakes 🤦, building something real 🧑‍💻️

Articles & Tutorials

Upgrading 3 Million Variables to Envelope Encryption (7 minute read)

Ten years of improvements in PostgreSQL's optimizer (3 minute read)

How PayPal Serves 350 Billion Daily Requests with JunoDB (8 minute read)

Opinions & Advice

Building Something Real in your spare time (4 minute read)

Mental Health in Software Engineering (7 minute read)

Faster Connectivity !== Faster Websites (5 minute read)

Launches & Tools

😘 Kiss bugs goodbye with fully automated end-to-end test coverage (Sponsor)

Paper Code (GitHub Repo)

Reader (GitHub Repo)

MikroORM 6.2 (5 minute read)


Distributed Authorization (12 minute read)

Failures, Mistakes, Confusion (4 minute read)

A blueprint for making quantum computers easier to program (6 minute read)

Quick Links

How I setup my terminal for max productivity (8 minute read)

Optimizing Node.js Performance (1 minute read)

A quick post on Chen's algorithm (4 minute read)

Site claims to have harvested 4B+ Discord chats, all on sale (3 minute read)

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