TLDR Web Dev 2024-02-21

How ChatGPT scaled 🚀, $14k GCP charge in two hours 🛑, web UIs in Python ⚡️

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Articles & Tutorials

Bloom Filters (12 minute read)

Modern client-side routing: the Navigation API (16 minute read)

Scaling ChatGPT: Five Real-World Engineering Challenges (21 minute read)

Opinions & Advice

In defense of simple architectures (9 minute read)

Planner programming blows my mind (7 minute read)

Coding interviews are effective (2 minute read)

Launches & Tools

Dax (GitHub Repo)

Hyperdiv (GitHub Repo)

Valve Makes All Steam Audio SDK Source Code Available Under Apache 2.0 License (1 minute read)

250K+ dev teams use MESCIUS for web development, JS and .NET components. Try the tools for free (Sponsor)


SSDs Have Become Ridiculously Fast, Except in the Cloud (4 minute read)

You should be playing with GPTs at work (11 minute read)

Adding Keyboard Shortcuts to a 24 Year Old Government Website with Userscripts (7 minute read)

Quick Links

Warning: $14,000 BigQuery Charge in 2 Hours (3 minute read)

Why is Prettier rock solid? (1 minute read)

Node.js Community Debate Intensifies Over Enabling Corepack by Default and Potentially Unbundling npm (10 minute read)

Ask HN: How many of you Apple developers still use Objective C? (Hacker News Thread)

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