TLDR Product Management 2024-05-10

Ways to think about AGI 🤔, PM vs designer responsibilities📝, a love/hate relationship with scripts 💔

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News & Trends

Ways to think about AGI (4 minute read)

The rise of Generative AI-driven design patterns (10 minute read)

How novelty effects and Dopamine Culture rule the tech industry (4 minute read)

Opinions & Tutorials

The gulf between what PMs and designers think each others responsibilities are (4 minute read)

Uber and the practical aspects of sizing the market (3 minute read)

7 ways AI-native companies can improve retention (8 minute read)

Resources & Tools

PM performance evaluation template (4 minute read)

How to measure developer productivity, and not suck at it (5 minute read)

VOC in PM: what is it and how to build a VOC program (8 minute read)


Selling the vision, building the reality (6 minute read)

How humble plans can beat the feature factory (50 minute video)

Why I have a love/hate relationship with scripts (3 minute read)

Quick Links

The definitive list of 30+ startup pivots (4 minute read)

Focal areas of PM and PMM (2 minute read)

Choosing a PLG model (2 minute read)

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