TLDR Product Management 2024-09-06

FinTech product management💰, product vision & mission 🎯, the subscription value loop 🔁

News & Trends

Intel honesty (14 minute read)

The unique challenges of FinTech product management (7 minute read)

Opinions & Tutorials

Deep-dive: product vision + mission (10 minute read)

It means saying ‘no': how to master prioritization like Steve Jobs (8 minute read)

Resources & Tools

The subscription value loop: a framework for growing consumer subscription businesses (29 minute read)

What to do in your first 30/60/90 days as a product manager (7 minute read)


Tone and words: use accurate language (7 minute read)

5 steps to negotiate your product manager job offer in a tough market (20 minute read)

Quick Links

Coaching feedback (3 minute read)

Why I really got into tech (it's not what you think) (4 minute read)

Curated deep dives 💡, trends 📈, and resources 🛠️ for effective product managers
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