TLDR Product Management 2024-02-16

Acquiring 10M users in 9 months πŸš€, the problem with incentivized growth πŸ“‰, effective deep work 🧠

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News & Trends

How Gamma acquired 10 million users in 9 months (5 minute read)

TikTok’s native app arrives for the Vision Pro (3 minute read)

Add more rigor to your reference calls with these 25 questions (8 minute read)

Opinions & Tutorials

The analytics mistakes startups are making (7 minute read)

How to translate "business" impact to a product roadmap (and vice versa) (10 minute read)

The problem with incentivized growth (3 minute read)

Resources & Tools

3 lessons in writing a feature results writeup (3 minute read)

How to give feedback to your manager (3 minute video)

Stop releasing bugs with fully automated end-to-end test coverage (Sponsor)

How to double conversion on your home page (3 minute read)


How to balance keeping the lights on with innovation (4 minute read)

Why growth models fail (3 minute read)

Winning answer β€” why should we hire you? (5 minute read)

Quick Links

Effective deep work (3 minute read)

Product leadership theater (2 minute read)

Adobe: the growing issue with β€œfree” trials UX (5 minute read)

Curated deep dives πŸ’‘, trends πŸ“ˆ, and resources πŸ› οΈ for effective product managers
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