TLDR Founders 2024-05-15

Cruise Founder’s New Robot Startup 🤖, The Venture Studio Model 🧰, 10 Deadly Sins of B2B Growth 👹

The secret to AI feature adoption (Sponsor)

Headlines & Trends

Cruise Founder Kyle Vogt is Back with a Robot Startup (2 minute read)

Social Capital's 2023 Annual Letter (14 minute read)

Venture Studios and Incubations (8 minute read)

Strategies & Tactics

5-Step Framework to Uncover Growth Opportunities (11 minute read)

10 Years After Growth Hacking (5 minute read)

How to Calculate Net Dollar Retention (5 minute read)

Tools & Resources

Wegic (Tool)

Startup Playbook by Y Combinator (Deck)

BoodleBox (Tool)


Are Revenue Multiples a Thing of the Past? (6 minute read)

The 10 Deadly Sins of B2B Growth (5 minute read)

The Big Tariffs are Here (9 minute read)

Quick Links

Efficiency isn't Always Good (2 minute read)

2021 was Crazy Because Growth Was Crazy. 2024 is Tough Because Growth is Tough (1 minute read)

Self-Mastery: The Four Agreements (2 minute read)

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