TLDR Founders 2024-05-10

Startups and Timing ⏱️, Selling the Vision 🌈, Managing High Performers🏅

The most influential AI conference of 2024 is happening in Stockholm this June (Sponsor)

Headlines & Trends

Where Does AI Go From Here? (12 minute read)

Former Unicorns Are Bouncing Back From Bankruptcy (2 minute read)

Startups and Timing (4 minute read)

Strategies & Tactics

Stop Ignoring This Growth Problem (6 minute read)

Managing High Performers (8 minute read)

5 Learnings to Make UX Less Annoying for 20M+ Users (4 minute read)

Tools & Resources

Rethoric (Website)

Rate My JD (Tool)

User Onboarding Toolkit (Resource)


A Founder's Personality Can Differentiate Them or Destroy Them (4 minute read)

Selling the Vision, Building the Reality (3 minute read)

Here's How We Got Our First 200 Users (3 minute read)

Quick Links

The Fastest Growing Category of Venture Investment in 2024 (1 minute read)

Why “Move Fast, Break Things” Doesn't Mean Ship Garbage (2 minute read)

There Are Only 58 $50M+ Acquisitions in Software a Year (2 minute read)

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