TLDR Founders 2024-04-15

Tech Hype Cycles πŸŒ€, Deep Tech’s Golden Age πŸ›°οΈ, Building an Exit Strategy πŸ‘‹

Headlines & Trends

Hype Deflation & Inflation: The Endless Ebb and Flow (3 minute read)

This article discusses the cyclical nature of hype in technology, illustrating how various tech sectors like VR, AI, and crypto experience peaks of inflated expectations and troughs of disillusionment, yet true innovation and conviction persist through these cycles. It emphasizes the importance of genuine belief in technology's potential over the temporary allure of hype, using examples of individuals and companies who remained committed to their visions despite fluctuating public interest.

What Makes for Successful Consumer Founders? (6 minute read)

This research analyzes the characteristics and backgrounds of founders at the helm of consumer unicorns, challenging conventional wisdom about what makes a successful consumer founder. Key findings include that most successful startups have an average of 2.2 cofounders with 7-9 years of experience, are headquartered in California or New York, and often have at least one repeat founder. Engineering expertise is less critical than commonly believed.

The Golden Age of Deep Tech (7 minute read)

It's time to build in deep tech. This article challenges the misconception that deep tech startups, such as those in robotics, space, and biotech, are overly capital-intensive and difficult to succeed in, arguing that advancements in technology, increased access to venture capital, and a richer talent pool have made these ventures more feasible and less costly than in the past. It highlights the significant reduction in costs for essential tech components, the availability of non-dilutive funding, and global macroeconomic tailwinds as key factors enabling the rapid development and growth of deep tech companies, suggesting an optimistic future for startups in these fields.
Strategies & Tactics

Examples of Reverse Trials (3 minute read)

Debating between a free trial or freemium model? Do both with reverse trials. This hybrid model aims to maximize the conversion-driving power of trials while also leveraging the widespread engagement typical of freemium models. By blending the urgency of trial-based models with the broad accessibility of freemium plans, reverse trials could significantly boost user acquisition, engagement, and conversion.

Paid Advertising 101: What to Consider Before Running Digital Ads (5 minute read)

Paid advertising can be a powerful tool for accelerating business growth, but it can also be overwhelming for those just starting. This article outlines five essential areas to consider when developing a paid advertising strategy. Determine the right timing, select the appropriate platform and target audience, allocate budget effectively, measure performance, and optimize campaigns for better results.

How to Raise Pre-Seed (and Seed) Financing for Your Startup (4 minute read)

Ben Yoskovitz, an experienced investor, provides practical advice for startup founders navigating the complexities of early-stage fundraising. He emphasizes the importance of not getting too caught up in valuation debates, focusing on reaching the next major milestone with the necessary capital, and the benefits of delaying fundraising to improve leverage.
Tools & Resources

The State of Product Onboarding (Report)

Discover the industry report from 80+ companies with B2B, B2C, and PLG models to empower your product onboarding experience. (Tool)

Generate short clips from long videos.

Deblank Colors (Tool)

Quick, customizable AI-powered color palettes.

What Makes a Great Technical Blog (2 minute read)

Great technical blogs stand out by deeply exploring complex topics with clear working examples and by simplifying intricate subjects without oversimplification, maintaining a regular publishing schedule, and discussing both the merits and drawbacks of the topics covered. They avoid using internet slang, memes, and offensive language, aiming to be accessible and respectful to a broad audience, thereby fostering a trustworthy and engaging learning environment.

Where All the Time Went (3 minute read)

The perceived acceleration of time and mental fog experienced by many people in recent years is due to a lack of novelty and variety in daily life, largely caused by lifestyle changes during the COVID-19 pandemic. To remedy this, reintroduce novel experiences, such as reconnecting with people, attending events, traveling, and taking on new projects. These can help slow down the perceived passage of time and improve mental clarity by stimulating the formation of episodic memories.

AI-Enabled Services Are Opening a Whole New Market (5 minute read)

AI-enabled services businesses, which combine human expertise with AI technology, are poised to disrupt traditional services firms and capture significant market share. This article provides a framework for identifying the most promising opportunities in this space and offers best practices for building successful AI-enabled services companies, covering aspects such as product development, go-to-market strategies, and organizational design.
Quick Links

Extreme PMF: Sustaining Success with Scale (2 minute read)

The journey of Looker, which evolved from selling to venture-backed tech companies in the US to operating in five geographies with multiple product lines and sales motions, exemplifies the dynamic and challenging nature of sustaining PMF at scale.

How Do You Build a Real Exit Strategy? (1 minute read)

To increase the odds of a successful acquisition, startups should focus on creating the best product in a significant market, gaining visibility through media and networking, and building relationships with key figures in potential acquirer companies.
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