TLDR Founders 2024-04-15

Tech Hype Cycles πŸŒ€, Deep Tech’s Golden Age πŸ›°οΈ, Building an Exit Strategy πŸ‘‹

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Headlines & Trends

Hype Deflation & Inflation: The Endless Ebb and Flow (3 minute read)

What Makes for Successful Consumer Founders? (6 minute read)

The Golden Age of Deep Tech (7 minute read)

Strategies & Tactics

Examples of Reverse Trials (3 minute read)

Paid Advertising 101: What to Consider Before Running Digital Ads (5 minute read)

How to Raise Pre-Seed (and Seed) Financing for Your Startup (4 minute read)

Tools & Resources

The State of Product Onboarding (Report) (Tool)

Deblank Colors (Tool)


What Makes a Great Technical Blog (2 minute read)

Where All the Time Went (3 minute read)

AI-Enabled Services Are Opening a Whole New Market (5 minute read)

Quick Links

Extreme PMF: Sustaining Success with Scale (2 minute read)

How Do You Build a Real Exit Strategy? (1 minute read)

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