TLDR Founders 2024-02-21

The First Neuralink Patient 🧠, From Disney Star to Space CEO 🚀, State of Sales in 2024 🤝

Ever feel like it’s near-impossible to find a great writer to share your company’s story? (Sponsor)

Headlines & Trends

Sora, Groq, and Virtual Reality (6 minute read)

First Neuralink Patient Controls Computer Mouse through Thinking (1 minute read)

Disney Star Turned Space Tech CEO (2 minute read)

Strategies & Tactics

How Cognism Generated $441k in Revenue With Money Keywords (8 minute read)

TAM is why I have trust issues (9 minute read)

You should be playing with GPTs at work (12 minute read)

Tools & Resources

Neo Accelerator (Accelerator)

Locofy (Tool)

AdGen AI (Tool)

Block threats, unwanted content, and ads on all your company’s devices (Sponsor)


The State of Sales in 2024 (10 minute read)

Compressing Switching Costs in Software (4 minute read)

Why Venture Capital is the Best Asset Class (6 minute read)

Quick Links

Eric Schmidt: The Best Founders are Frugal (1 minute read)

Could a Search Competitor use Google to Gain Traction? (4 minute read)

Nobody knows: Blockchain & Steel (1 minute read)

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