TLDR Web Dev 2024-06-18

Dev jobs are falling 📉, React almost slowed the Internet 🚦, Adobe sued ⚖️

Articles & Tutorials

Responsive Design and Composition (5 minute read)

This article discusses a responsive design approach using multiple compositions instead of complex CSS adjustments. When faced with changing layouts and numerous conditional styles, it's better to create separate compositions for each layout and use a conditional higher up in the component tree to render the appropriate one.

How to compose JavaScript functions that take multiple parameters (the epic guide) (18 minute read)

Function composition allows combining multiple functions into one. JavaScript can be tricky with functions that take multiple arguments. This article explores solutions like partial application and currying to achieve function composition in various scenarios.

How React 19 (Almost) Made the Internet Slower (6 minute read)

React 19 introduced a change that disables parallel rendering of siblings within the same Suspense boundary. This could have potentially degraded performance for many websites that rely on React, but after facing pushback from the community, the React team decided to revert this change.
Opinions & Advice

Why Take Home Tests Suck: A Developer's Perspective on Hiring Practices (7 minute read)

This developer, who had been burned out from a previous job, was asked to complete a take-home challenge as part of an interview process at a company.

A Note on Essential Complexity (9 minute read)

Software engineers can have different goals, ranging from writing code to delighting users or making money, but managing complexity is often considered the main duty. Complexity can be either essential (inherent to the problem) or accidental (introduced by implementation). Software engineers should always aim to minimize accidental complexity and assist with essential complexity. Engineers can redefine essential complexity by influencing user expectations and organizational processes.

Do not try to be the smartest in the room; try to be the kindest (3 minute read)

Be kind in meetings by listening, showing respect and empathy, and being resolute. Kindness can be contagious and creates a positive environment for teams.
Launches & Tools

Share URL (Website)

Share URL is a JavaScript library that simplifies sharing content on the web. It offers multiple sharing methods including Web Share API, copy to clipboard, and social media sharing.

Amplication (GitHub Repo)

Amplication is an open-source development platform for creating scalable and secure .NET and Node.js applications. It's an AI platform that turns ideas into production-ready code by automating backend application development.

Google DeepMind Shifts From Research Lab to AI Product Factory (9 minute read)

Google DeepMind has been focusing on developing commercial AI products while maintaining its strength in foundational research. This is a move that has been met with mixed reactions due to concerns about the impact on research culture and the balance between research and commercialization.

The rise—and fall—of the software developer (4 minute read)

The demand for software developers in the U.S. has decreased since the pandemic despite high salaries and perks, with fewer developers employed in 2024 than in 2018. Pay growth for developers has also lagged behind other U.S. workers, potentially due to cooling demand or geographical trends in the workforce.

Why Google Maps doesn't have a “nicest route” feature (3 minute read)

While a "scenic route" feature in Google Maps sounds appealing and technically feasible, it could have potential negative consequences on a global scale. Such a feature would introduce bias into the system, favoring higher-income areas and potentially diverting foot traffic and revenue away from low-income communities. These are the kinds of n-th order consequences that must be thought of when making seemingly harmless features in large systems like Google Maps.
Quick Links

A Look at Browser Engine Dominance and Its Challenges (8 minute read)

Chromium's Blink engine is currently dominating the market.

Chrome Speeds Ahead (3 minute read)

Google Chrome browser achieved the highest score on the Speedometer 3.0 benchmark by optimizing workloads, prioritizing code optimization, and improving garbage collection.

FTC Takes Action Against Adobe and Executives for Hiding Fees, Preventing Consumers from Easily Cancelling Software Subscriptions (3 minute read)

The US Federal Trade Commission is taking legal action against Adobe and two of its executives for deceiving consumers by hiding early termination fees and making it difficult to cancel subscriptions.

Why People are Angry over Go 1.23 Iterators (13 minute read)

Many people dislike the upcoming Go 1.23 iterator design because it makes Go feel more like a functional language, rather than the imperative language it was intended to be.
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