TLDR 2024-05-13

OpenAI voice assistant πŸ€–, big tech's Hollywood deals πŸŽ₯, early employee compensation πŸ’°

New TLDR newsletter in your inbox is great, but what about those spammers filling it up with junk? (Sponsor)

Big Tech & Startups

What will OpenAI announce Monday? Quite possibly an AI voice assistant (4 minute read)

Apple, Netflix, and Amazon Want to Change How They Pay Hollywood Stars (12 minute read)

Science & Futuristic Technology

Commercial Space Stations Approach Launch Phase (3 minute read)

'Tungsten wall' leads to nuclear fusion breakthrough (4 minute read)

Programming, Design & Data Science

Popover API (6 minute read)

Avoiding the soft delete anti-pattern (8 minute read)


Analyst on Starlink's rapid rise: β€œNothing short of mind-blowing” (7 minute read)

An Ode To Early Employees (9 minute read)

Quick Links

One-click CSV import for your customers' messiest spreadsheets (Sponsor)

Lessons learned reinventing the Python notebook (14 minute read)

superfile (GitHub Repo)

Waymo says its robotaxis are now making 50,000 paid trips every week (3 minute read)

How To Price A Data Asset (30 minute read)

Is dark matter's main rival theory dead? There's bad news from the Cassini spacecraft and other recent tests (6 minute read)

GPUs Go Brrr (26 minute read)

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