TLDR 2024-01-17

iPhone hits all-time high 📱, OpenAI's pentagon project 🤖, ChatGPT dev tips 👨‍💻

Big Tech & Startups

Apple hits “all-time high” smartphone market share, takes #1 spot for 2023 (2 minute read)

Apple was the number one smartphone OEM in 2023. It had a 20.1% market share for the year, a 3.7% growth over 2022. Apple's best-selling phone, and the best-selling model in the world, was the iPhone 14 Pro Max. The company's cheapest phone, the iPhone SE at $429, didn't sell well. Apple's market share is fueled by aggressive trade-in offers and interest-free financing plans.

OpenAI Changes Its Stance, Announces That It Is Working With the Pentagon (2 minute read)

OpenAI has announced a partnership with the Pentagon. The company's usage policy previously banned activities like weapons development and military use and warfare, but it recently updated its policies to remove the part about military use and warfare. OpenAI and the Pentagon are working on cybersecurity software and are in discussions about how OpenAI's technology could assist with preventing veteran suicide.
Science & Futuristic Technology

Experimental ultrasound treatment targeting brains in trials to help those with Alzheimer's, drug addiction (5 minute read)

A new experimental treatment uses ultrasound to open the blood-brain barrier using a specialized helmet to temporarily allow therapeutic drugs to quickly get inside the brain. Patients are awake during the procedure but they say the procedure is painless. In human trials, the treatment resulted in a clear reduction in the beta-amyloid proteins targeted. The treatment has also shown efficacy in treating patients with severe drug addictions.

A Cloned Rhesus Monkey Is Still Alive After 2 Years (3 minute read)

A team of researchers at the Chinese Academy of Sciences claims one of its cloned monkeys has lived more than two years, the longest any cloned rhesus macaque has survived yet. It was developed using a new method called the trophoblast replacement method. The new technique could have implications for conventional IVF. There is still a lot of trial and error involved - the researchers achieved just one live fetus for every 113 activated embryos, and of all 11 embryos transferred to a womb, only one produced a live fetus.
Programming, Design & Data Science

How to use ChatGPT to build software products (1 minute read)

This X post provides a small guide on how to use ChatGPT to build software products. The process involves asking the model to go through planning stages first to lay down a structure before getting it to write code. It will take a few attempts with different ideas before users get the hang of how to feed the model information to get good results.

why lowercase letters save data (8 minute read)

Both lowercase and uppercase letters use 1 byte each, but swapping uppercase letters for lowercase letters saves data. This is due to how text compression works. This article explains how text compression works using interactive examples. It also provides examples where this knowledge can be used to systematically save data.

CEOs say generative AI will result in job cuts in 2024 (2 minute read)

A quarter of global CEOs expect that generative AI will lead to a headcount reduction of at least 5% this year. Media and entertainment, banking, insurance, and logistics are the industries most likely to be affected by job losses due to cutting-edge AI tools. Engineering, construction, and technology firms are least likely to anticipate cuts because of automation. With AI, executives are most worried about the cybersecurity risks and the spread of disinformation.

U.S. Developers Can Now Offer Non-App Store Purchasing Option, But Apple Will Still Collect Commissions (4 minute read)

Developers in the US iOS App Store are now able to direct customers to a non-App Store purchasing option for digital goods. Apple plans to continue collecting a 12% to 27% commission on content bought this way. Developers who want to offer alternative payment options need to apply for a StoreKit External Purchase Link Entitlement. Details about the specific rules for Entitlement Links are available in the article.
Quick Links

OpenAI announces team to build ‘crowdsourced’ governance ideas into its models (2 minute read)

OpenAI's new Collective Alignment team's goal is to create a system for collecting and encoding public input on its models' behaviors into OpenAI products and services.

Google said to use special pool of stock comp to keep top AI researchers (1 minute read)

Certain researchers at Google's DeepMind have received grants of restricted stock worth up to millions of dollars.

Datadrift (GitHub Repo)

Datadrift is a monitoring and incident management platform that helps teams deliver trusted and reliable metrics.

Sched_ext Schedulers and Tools (GitHub Repo)

This repository contains various scheduler implementations and support utilities for sched_ext, a Linux kernel feature that enables implementing kernel thread schedulers in BPF and dynamically loading them.

Passwordless: a different kind of hell? (6 minute read)

A look at the history of passwords and how they have evolved.

React Postgres Components (2 minute read)

This post presents an experimental project on deploying remote functions that run inside Postgres to illustrate the possibilities of Framework-defined Infrastructure.
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