TLDR 2021-12-28

TLDR's crypto newsletter 🪙, LG transparent displays 🖥️, China's metaverse 🌎

Big Tech & Startups

China Steps In the Metaverse with Baidu: Meet Xi Rang (2 minute read)

LG Display shows off a versatile lineup of transparent OLED screens at CES 2022 (3 minute read)

Science & Futuristic Technology

Massive groups of fish create waves to deter predators (2 minute read)

Gibraltar poised to become first cryptocurrency hub (1 minute read)

Programming, Design & Data Science

Maui Shell Offers a Beautiful Vision for the Future of Linux (3 minute read)

Bingo (GitHub Repo)


Top 10 architectural oddities of 2021 (1 minute read)

TLDR's Crypto Newsletter (Signup Form)

Ten Years of Logging My Life (7 minute read)

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