TLDR Marketing 2024-06-07

Costco ad network 🌭, marketing on Reddit πŸ’¬, thought-leader ads πŸ’‘

News & Trends

Costco is building out an ad business using its shoppers' data (6 minute read)

A social app for creatives, Cara grew from 40k to 650k users in a week because artists are fed up with Meta's AI policies (5 minute read)

Strategies & Tactics

Use LinkedIn's Thought-Leader Ads to Boost Organic Posts and Reduce Cost per Result (3 minute read)

How to improve your voluntary churn (6 minute read)

Sunset flows: a crucial key to better email deliverability (9 minute read)

Resources & Tools

NotebookLM goes global with Slides support and better ways to fact-check (2 minute read)

Instagram Clarifies Advice on Single Word CTAs and Longer Reels (3 minute read)


Marketers should stop being fearful of Reddit (4 minute read)

No, the Google algorithm did NOT leak (6 minute read)

Marketers β€˜preoccupied with wrong effectiveness metrics', study finds (3 minute read)

Quick Links

Influencer search function idea for (1 minute read)

7 spicy takes on marketing trends (1 minute)

50+ AI Tools for Ecommerce Marketing (1 minute read)

Curated tactics πŸ’‘, trends πŸ“ˆ, and tools πŸ› οΈ for cutting edge marketers
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