TLDR Marketing 2024-05-01

Dupe culture ✌️, email deliverability on June 1st πŸ’Œ, Notion’s playbook πŸ“—

News & Trends

AI Chatbots are taking over customer service, but most of us would rather wait for a human (2 minute read)

81% of consumers are willing to wait between 1 to 11 minutes to speak with a human customer service rep instead of chatting with an AI assistant. 22% of respondents are willing to wait 4-5 minutes. Humans are still perceived as better suited for complex problem-solving, one-call issue resolution, and empathetic interactions.

Screenshots suggest TikTok is circumventing Apple App Store commissions (3 minute read)

TikTok is reportedly using web links to bypass Apple App Store commissions on in-app purchases. It's offering users a way to buy digital coins outside of the app to avoid the 30% commission. Screenshots reveal messages prompting users to recharge via, indicating potential savings and offering various payment methods.

Report Finds Most Americans Favor Government Regulation of Social Media (3 minute read)

51% of Americans support government regulation of social media platforms. There's still a widespread belief in the need for governmental involvement in content policing. The complexity of the issue lies in balancing regional differences, platform decision-making pressures, and the challenge of ensuring impartial moderation. Proposed solutions include crowd-sourced moderation and standardized moderation standards enforced by elected officials.
Strategies & Tactics

June 1st: A Day for Email Marketers to Bookmark (1 minute read)

Deliverability updates for Google, Yahoo, and AOL continue to roll out. Beginning June 2024, bulk senders with a user-reported spam rate greater than 0.3% will be ineligible for mitigation. This means you need to ensure your reply addresses have a real inbox attached to them, that mailers over 5K should not have private WHOIS setup, and that every level of your links is checked against blacklists.

Google Says These Page Attributes Make a Good Landing Page Experience (9 minute read)

Google assesses the quality of landing pages connected to PPC ads based on visitors' on-page experiences, impacting ad visibility and conversions. It's important to ensure landing pages match ad promises, offer clear navigation, and limit distractions to enhance user experience and boost Quality Scores. This leads to better ad performance and business growth.

Situational Segmentation: The Missing Link In Customer Persona Work (4 minute read)

This article explores the evolution from generic personas to situational segmentation. It sheds light on how this shift empowers marketers to grasp the nuanced needs of customers in various everyday situations. By tailoring strategies to address specific situational needs, marketers can foster deeper connections with diverse audience segments and drive sustainable growth.
Resources & Tools

LinkedIn Updates: Short-Form Video, Premium Company Pages, and More (10 minute read)

LinkedIn is rolling out new features, including a "Contribute your expertise" tool for collaborative articles, to enhance content quality. The platform also moved into short-form video following wider social media trends, potentially offering marketers a new way to engage audiences, and introduced Dynamic UTMs and Shutterstock integration in ads to streamline campaign management and improve ad performance.

Crafting successful brand messaging: a brand messaging framework template (3 minute read)

Effective brand messaging enables you to communicate clearly and consistently across marketing channels, company departments, and customer touchpoints. This 3-step brand messaging framework covers market category and competitor differentiation, brand positioning, and key messaging pillars. A link to download the template is provided in the article.

Twitch's TikTok-like discovery feed is rolling out to all users (2 minute read)

Twitch is introducing a discovery feed that features separate tabs for live streams and top clips. It represents a significant shift in content consumption on the platform. The new feed caters to users seeking quick entertainment during brief moments of downtime, while also providing streamers with a new avenue to showcase their content to a wider audience.

The "Planet Fitness" Era of SaaS is Over (6 minute read)

The dirty little secret of enterprise software companies is that they make a lot of money off people who don't show up. However, the new era of product-led growth (PLG) is predicated on showing value before a purchase and then regularly showing value post-purchase to prevent churn. This plays out in the form of de-risked buying decisions, clearer ROI, and shorter contracts. Although this creates challenges for PLG businesses, it's ultimately a net positive for the industry long term.

How Notion Does Marketing: A Deep-Dive Into its Community, Influencers, and Growth Playbooks (40 minute read)

A deep-dive into Notion's multifaceted marketing strategy that covers 3 channels that have helped power its meteoric rise. The product generated some organic buzz early on, so the team focused on templates and β€˜superusers' to build up its community. The brand succeeded with influencer marketing by testing new social media platforms and allowing influencers to speak authentically. Notion also put emphasis on user activation, optimizing quick feedback loops and customizing the experience based on user segmentation.
Quick Links

What comes after quiet luxury? (6 minute read)

Increased demand for luxury dupes is signaling a potential shift in what luxury shoppers value.

How Perplexity builds product (10 minute read)

Johnny Ho, co-founder of Perplexity, shares insights into the company's product development strategy.
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