TLDR Marketing 2024-02-21

Social media SEO 📊, using social proof to influence 🗨, the future of consent ✅

News & Trends

YouTube dominates TV streaming in US (1 minute read)

Walmart isn’t buying Vizio for its hardware. It wants the TV maker’s ad business (4 minute read)

Strategies & Tactics

Using Social Proof to Influence User Behavior (4 minute read)

Repositioning: How to Turn Your Strengths Into Profitable Growth (5 minute read)

12 Low Budget B2B Marketing Tactics (2 minute read)

Resources & Tools

You should be playing with GPTs at work (11 minute read)

Why Social Media SEO Is A Thing In 2024 (8 minute read)

TikTok Playbook: Creative Ideation for SMBs (2 minute read)


Your "TAM" is Why I Have Trust Issues (8 minute read)

Mastering the Art of Top-of-the-Funnel Strategies (5 minute read)

Quick Links

Let’s Talk About Consent and the Future of Permission-Based Marketing (4 minute read)

Which Super Bowl ads drove the strongest online response? (1 minute read)

Coach pairs virtual influencer with real celebs Lil Nas X, Camila Mendes (2 minute read)

Curated tactics 💡, trends 📈, and tools 🛠️ for cutting edge marketers
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