TLDR Information Security 2024-06-07

Tiktok fixes 0-day 🎵, Windows Recall data extraction 🧠, FBI Obtains Lockbit keys 🔒

AWS GameDay: Your quest begins on June 18! (Sponsor)

Attacks & Vulnerabilities

Uncle Sam seeks to claw back $5M+ stolen from trade union through spoofed email (3 minute read)

Australian Food Service Provider's Internal Records and Invoices Exposed in Third Party Data Breach (4 minute read)

TikTok Fixes 0-Day Bug Used to Hijack High-Profile Accounts (2 minute read)

Strategies & Tactics

Security First: DevSecOps Empowerment with Terrascan (8 minute read)

Why SAST + DAST can't be enough (7 minute read)

Secure your Tailscale Infrastructure Further with Mutual TLS (4 minute read)

Launches & Tools

OXO (GitHub Repo)

TotalRecall (GitHub Repo)

VulnCheck (Product Launch)

Kiteworks MFT: When You Absolutely, Positively Need the Most Secure Managed File Transfer Solution (Sponsor)


UK retailers file a £1.1B collective action against Amazon over claims of data misuse (3 minute read)

Hackers Exploit Legitimate Packer Software to Spread Malware Undetected (2 minute read)

Microsoft Deprecates Windows NTLM Authentication Protocol (3 minute read)

Quick Links

Google Maps Timeline Data to be Stored Locally on Your Device for Privacy (2 minute read)

225,000 More Cybersecurity Workers Needed in US: CyberSeek (2 minute read)

FBI obtains 7,000 LockBit ransomware decryption keys (2 minute read)

Curated news 📰, research 🧑‍🔬, and tools 🔒 for information security professionals
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