TLDR Information Security 2024-05-13

Ohio Lottery breached 🎰, Hacking cards worldwide πŸš—, New Scattered Spider Campaign πŸ•ΈοΈ

πŸ‹ Orca makes major moves in AI security β€” adding AI-SPM, GenAI features, and more (Sponsor)

Attacks & Vulnerabilities

Ohio Lottery Data Breach Impacted Over 538,000 Individuals (2 minute read)

Google Fixes Fifth Chrome 0-Day Exploited in Attacks this Year (2 minute read)

Malicious Go Binary Delivered via Steganography in PyPI (5 minute read)

Strategies & Tactics

Android Greybox Fuzzing with AFL++ Frida Mode (8 minute read)

AWS CloudQuarry: Digging For Secrets In Public AMIs (35 minute read)

Hacking more than 130,000 cars worldwide in 5 minutes (4 minute read)

Launches & Tools

MS Devblogs Search (GitHub Repo)

Token Security (Product Launch)

Okta Terrify (GitHub Repo)


GhostStripe attack haunts self-driving cars by making them ignore road signs (5 minute read)

How the Feds Will Tackle the Software Bug Backlog (2 minute read)

New Spectre-Style 'Pathfinder' Attack Targets Intel CPU, Leak Encryption Keys and Data (3 minute read)

Quick Links

Exploits and vulnerabilities in Q1 2024 (12 minute read)

Boeing refused to pay $200 million LockBit ransomware demand (2 minute read)

Resilience Threat Researchers Identify New Campaigns from Scattered Spider (5 minute read)

Curated news πŸ“°, research πŸ§‘β€πŸ”¬, and tools πŸ”’ for information security professionals
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