TLDR DevOps 2024-05-15

Flux 2.3 πŸ†•, Economics of Pod Autoscaling πŸ“ˆ, Guide to Better Incident Status Pages 🟒

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News & Trends

Flux 2.3 GA Release (6 minute read)

Amazon S3 will no longer charge for several HTTP error codes (1 minute read)

Opinions & Tutorials

HBase Deprecation at Pinterest (6 minute read)

How To Manage an Amazon Bedrock Agent Using Terraform (11 minute read)

Running Vault on Nomad, Part 3 (9 minute read)


The surprising economics of Horizontal Pod Autoscaling tuning in GKE (3 minute read)

Sumo Logic Unveils New Innovations to Align and Fuel DevSecOps (3 minute read)

Quick Links

Benchmarking Quickwit vs. Loki (8 minute read)

A guide to better incident status pages (4 minute read)

Code signing with HashiCorp Vault and GitHub Actions (5 minute read)

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