TLDR DevOps 2024-05-01

AWS Route 53 Profiles šŸ›£ļø, TypeScript 5.5 šŸ†•, Terraform Static Code Analysis šŸŖ

News & Trends

Announcing TypeScript 5.5 Beta (20 minute read)

Microsoft has announced the availability of Typescript 5.5 Beta. This article includes a list of features that are available in the new release.

Radius is Now a Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) Sandbox Project (1 minute read)

The Microsoft Azure Incubations Team has approved Radius as a Cloud Native Compute Foundation (CNCF) sandbox project, recognizing its potential to enhance the cloud-native ecosystem by facilitating collaborative development and management of applications across different cloud platforms.

Amazon Route 53 Profiles (1 minute read)

AWS has introduced Amazon Route 53 Profiles, enabling users to create standardized DNS configurations for multiple VPCs within the same AWS Region. Profiles can be shared across AWS accounts via AWS Resource Access Manager, ensuring consistency, compliance, and security in DNS resolution.
Opinions & Tutorials

A Deep Dive Into Terraform Static Code Analysis Tools: Features and Comparisons (6 minute read)

This article compares several static code analyzers supporting Terraform, helping teams select the right tool to enhance security within their workflows.

Securing Your Container Images Using the Codefresh OIDC Provider and Keyless Signing (8 minute read)

This article introduces Codefresh as an official OIDC provider for the Sigstore project, offering a simpler and more transparent process for artifact signing. It discusses keyless signing and its advantages over traditional methods and demonstrates how to implement artifact signing securely in Codefresh pipelines.

How an empty S3 bucket can make your AWS bill explode (4 minute read)

Explore the surprising consequences of a seemingly innocent configuration oversight that led to a huge AWS bill and possible data leaks.

Exploring the Enigma of Database Vacuuming (10 minute read)

This article dives deep into the basics of database vacuuming and provides some background knowledge for why it's necessary. It also touches on how data is formatted on disk specifically for PostgreSQL.
Quick Links

FinOps for Kubernetes: engineering cost optimization (13 minute read)

This article explores the challenges and strategies of cost management and optimization in Kubernetes infrastructure, highlighting the importance of FinOps practices and providing real-world case studies.

General availability: Virtual network flow logs for Azure (1 minute read)

Azure Network Watcher offers network monitoring and troubleshooting tools, including health metrics, topology visualization, connectivity monitoring, traffic monitoring, diagnostics suite, and virtual network flow logs.

Why SQLite Uses Bytecode (7 minute read)

There are typically two ways to encode the steps a SQL database needs to run to satisfy a query - the first is bytecode and the second is as a tree of objects.
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