TLDR DevOps 2024-04-17

Cisco buys Isovalent 💰, OpenTelemetry embraces profiling 📑, 4 Million Push Notifications in 6 Seconds 📤

📔 It's time to talk about CI/CD for Salesforce (Sponsor)

News & Trends

Charting new territory: OpenTelemetry embraces profiling (5 minute read)

Argo Rollouts 1.7 Release Candidate (3 minute read)

Cisco Completes Acquisition of Isovalent to Define the Future of Multicloud Networking and Security (2 minute read)

Opinions & Tutorials

Cross Account Replication of S3 buckets using Terraform (5 minute read)

Argo Events — S3 EventSource and Argo Workflow Trigger (4 minute read)


Kubernetes #1 — The Origin (6 minute read)

Multi-Cluster Manager for Velero Deep Dive (16 minute read)

Quick Links

A look at Kubernetes Operator Implementation at Licious — Part 1 (7 minute read)

How Duolingo Sent 4 Million Push Notifications in 6 Seconds During the Super Bowl Break (4 minute read)

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