TLDR DevOps 2024-02-09

Go 1.22 🦫, Github Engineering Fundamentals πŸ—, Shellcode Evasion πŸƒ

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News & Trends

Go 1.22 is released! (1 minute read)

See 2-10x Faster File Operation Speeds with Synchronized File Shares in Docker Desktop (3 minute read)

Opinions & Tutorials

Securing Credentials for GitOps Deployments with AWS Secrets Manager and Codefresh (6 minute read)

Data migration using AWS DMS with Terraform IAC (9 minute read)

Open Telemetry and Lambda (4 minute read)

CloudFront Blue/Green Deployment Using GitLab Where Origin Is ALB+EKS Service (10 minute read)


No Dirty Reads: Everything you always wanted to know about SQL isolation levels (6 minute read)

Shellcode evasion using WebAssembly and Rust (9 minute read)

Quick Links

Simple Precision Time Protocol at Meta (7 minute read)

GitHub’s Engineering Fundamentals program: How we deliver on availability, security, and accessibility (5 minute read)

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