TLDR Design 2024-05-30

WhatsApp AI Profile Photos ๐Ÿ“ธ, Chrome Minimize Tab ๐ŸŒ, Discord Redesign for Gamers ๐ŸŽฎ

News & Trends

WhatsApp Spotted Working on AI-Generated Profile Photos (1 minute read)

Google Chrome becomes a โ€˜picture-in-picture' app (2 minute read)

Discord's turning the focus back to games with a new redesign (1 minute read)

Opinions & Tutorials

Unlocking the Power of Code Connect: Best Practices for Design Systems Teams (5 minute read)

Visual design rules you can safely follow every time (4 minute read)

Who are the worthy design heroes? (4 minute read)

Launches & Tools

CSS Gradient Generator (Website)

AI Art Style Gallery (Website)

144 CSS-Only Background Patterns (Website)


8 UI Animation Trends: Make Your Design Standing Out of Competitors (4 minute read)

Let there be order: Motherbird's rebrand gives ISO's identity the organization it sorely needed (3 minute read)

Are You Designing with the Right Keyboard in Mind? (13 minute read)

Quick Links

This Lego Apple Store design submission is pitch-perfect (2 minute read)

Poly Mono is a โ€œGame Fontโ€ Made of Shapes that Creates Karel Martens-Inspired Prints (4 minute read)

The Future of Travel: How Design is Shaping Travel Experiences (10 minute read)

Curated tools ๐Ÿ–Œ๏ธ , trends ๐ŸŽจ, and inspiration ๐Ÿ’ก for design professionals
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