TLDR Crypto 2024-05-23

FIT21 Passes in the House πŸ›οΈ, Solana Dev Hospitalized to Pump Memecoin πŸ€•, WorldCoin Ordered to Stop in Hong Kong πŸ‘οΈ

Markets & Business

Bitcoin and Ethereum ETPs Get Approval to List on the London Stock Exchange (1 minute read)

FIT21 passes in the House (1 minute read)

Innovation & Launches

NEAR AI (1 minute read)

EigenDA Opening to Rollup Production Traffic (2 minute read)

Guides & Resources

An overview of FIT21 (4 minute read)

Lesser known DexScreener features (2 minute read)


Hacker steals 5 billion GALA tokens, worth $216 million (5 minute read)

Solana Dev Hospitalized With Third Degree Burns Trying to Pump Meme Coin (4 minute read)

Quick Links

Degen Chain L3s Downtime Post-Mortem (2 minute read)

NotCoin Growth Drives Telegram Adoption (3 minute read)

The Need for L2 Standards (1 minute read)

WorldCoin to cease Hong Kong Operations (2 minute read)

Gary Gensler Denounces Fit21 (3 minute read)

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