TLDR AI 2024-09-19

Salesforce’s AI Strategy 🤖, Meta LlamaCoder 💻, Qwen 2.5 2️⃣

Your app → enterprise-ready (Sponsor)

Headlines & Launches

Salesforce's New AI Strategy Acknowledges That AI Will Take Jobs (5 minute read)

Create Full Web Apps with LlamaCoder (8 minute read)

Qwen 2.5 (12 minute read)

Research & Innovation

BitNet without retraining (18 minute read)

1x World Model (7 minute read)

Diagram of Thought: Iterative Reasoning in Language Models (12 minute read)

Engineering & Resources

AI + Process Orchestration = Intelligent Automation (Sponsor)

Graph Anomaly Detection: A Survey (29 minute read)

ZML Inference (GitHub Repo)

Adversarial Attacks on Navigation Agents (GitHub Repo)


Academic Text Parsing (GitHub Repo)

Jumping Over AI's Uncanny Valley (9 minute read)

SocialAI offers a Twitter-like diary where AI bots respond to your posts (9 minute read)

Quick Links

The data that makes realistic AI voice generation possible (Sponsor)

Cancer Detection (GitHub Repo)

Amazon Alexa can now be controlled by thought alone - thanks to this brain implant (2 minute read)

Mercor's $30M Series A (1 minute read)

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