TLDR AI 2024-08-26

AGI Safety & Alignment at DeepMind 🦺, Microsoft Phi-3.5 3️⃣, Reducing Gender Bias in LLMs ⚖️

WorkOS for AI: integrate in minutes and deploy enterprise plans on day 1 (Sponsor)

Headlines & Launches

Microsoft releases powerful new Phi-3.5 models, beating Google, OpenAI, and more (4 minute read)

AGI Safety and Alignment at Google DeepMind (20 minute read)

What's really going on in machine learning (28 minute read)

Research & Innovation

Time Series Representation Learning with Diffusion Models (16 minute read)

Energy-Efficient Autonomous Driving with Spiking Neural Networks (19 minute read)

Efficient Language Model Training (19 minute read)

Engineering & Resources

Reducing Gender Bias in LLMs (GitHub Repo)

PostgreSQL is a good vector database (GitHub Repo)

Efficient Triton Kernels for LLM training (GitHub Repo)

Capture the attention of over 5 million tech professionals with an ad in TLDR (Sponsor)


Generalized Segment Anything Model (24 minute read)

Teaching chat models to solve chess (28 minute read)

Data Exfiltration from Slack AI via indirect prompt injection (7 minute read)

Quick Links

3D Occupancy Estimation (3 minute read)

Bringing Llama 3 to life (1 minute read)

New SigLIP Model (Hugging Face Hub)

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