TLDR AI 2024-08-08

Gemini & Google Home 🔊, Llama 4 compute 💰, Nvidia regulatory concerns 🧑‍⚖️

Headlines & Launches

Gemini intelligence is coming to Nest cameras, smart speakers, and smart displays (6 minute read)

As Regulators Close In, Nvidia Scrambles for a Response (6 minute read)

Zuckerberg says Meta will need 10x more computing power to train Llama 4 than Llama 3 (2 minute read)

Research & Innovation

Scaling test time compute optimally can be more effective than scaling model parameters (25 minute read)

An Object is Worth 64x64 Pixels: Generating 3D Object via Image Diffusion (7 minute read)

LLaVA-OneVision: Easy Visual Task Transfer (21 minute read)

Engineering & Resources

Flux Canny Controlnet (Hugging Face Hub)

Create Privacy-Protected Tabular Data (14 minute read)

ABC Invariance (GitHub Repo)


How GitHub harnesses AI to transform customer feedback into action (8 minute read)

How Does OpenAI Survive? (31 minute read)

AMD is becoming an AI chip company, just like Nvidia (3 minute read)

Quick Links

Taco Bell's drive-thru AI might take your next order (1 minute read)

What can curated pronunciation data do for text-to-speech models? (Sponsor)

OpenAI invests in a webcam company turned AI startup (1 minute read)

Microsoft Is Losing a Staggering Amount of Money on AI (3 minute read)

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