TLDR AI 2024-08-05

Character cofounders return to Google 🤖, Gemma 2 new features 🌐, Microsoft vs. OpenAI 👊

Headlines & Launches

Character Co-founders return to Google (5 minute read)

Three New Additions To Gemma 2 (4 minute read)

Microsoft Says OpenAI Is Now A Competitor In AI And Search (2 minute read)

Research & Innovation

Scaling Inference Compute with Repeated Sampling (15 minute read)

Audio-Visual Question Answering in Videos (12 minute read)

Real-Time High-Quality Hand Avatars Rendering (2 minute read)

Engineering & Resources

Minigrid in JAX (GitHub Repo)

Image-Text Pair Generation for Vision Models (GitHub Repo)

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Prompt Poet (7 minute read)


Is AI judging the future of gymnastics or just a surveillance tool? (27 minute read)

Future of LLMs for avatars at Genies (4 minute read)

AI existential risk probabilities are too unreliable to inform policy (25 minute read)

Quick Links

Networks that compress themselves (GitHub Gist)

Reddit CEO says Microsoft needs to pay to search the site (3 minute read)

GitHub Models (5 minute read)

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