TLDR AI 2024-06-27

YouTube AI song generator 🎵, Waymo available in SF 🚗, prompt engineering toolkit 🧰

The age of fossil fuels is over. The era of the lithium battery is just beginning. Invest in the company extracting it 300% more efficiently (Sponsor)

Headlines & Launches

Evolutionary Scale Raises $142m series A (12 minute read)

YouTube tries convincing record labels to license music for AI song generator (4 minute read)

Waymo One is now open to everyone in San Francisco (5 minute read)

Research & Innovation

Data curation via joint example selection further accelerates multimodal learning (25 minute read)

Named Entity Recognition with Retrieval Augmented Instruction Tuning (21 minute read)

DeepDive: Sparse AutoEncoders (18 minute read)

Engineering & Resources

Real-World 3D Scene Generation (2 minute read)

A Benchmark for Evaluating Code Repository Edits (GitHub Repo)

Prompt Engineering Toolkit (GitHub Repo)

Want to slow down spam calls and email? Start by deleting your personal data (Sponsor)


The Future of LLM-Based Agents: Making the Boxes Bigger (7 minute read)

How AI transforms the travel value chain (10 minute read)

AI-Powered Conversion From Enzyme to React Testing Library at Slack (11 minute read)

Quick Links

Get your brand in front of 4+ million tech professionals (Sponsor)

R2R (GitHub Repo)

Medical model on par with GPT 4 (Hugging Face Hub)

ChatGPT for Mac desktop (Product)

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