TLDR AI 2024-05-27 partnerships 🤝, Golden Gate Claude 🌉, Ensembling LoRA 🤖

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Headlines & Launches

xAI and Meta fight to partner with (4 minute read)

Scarlett Johansson told OpenAI not to use her voice (2 minute read)

Golden Gate Claude (2 minute read)

Research & Innovation

Reinforcement Learning at Lyft (21 minute read)

Lessons on Reproducible Evaluation of Language Models (45 minute read)

Image Personalization with Classifier-Guided Diffusion Models (16 minute read)

Engineering & Resources

Mistral Finetune (GitHub Repo)

Ensembling LoRA (GitHub Repo)

Modular Norm for Neural Networks (GitHub Repo)


AI's Communication Revolution: We're All Talking to Computers Now (10 minute read)

MobileNet-V4 (11 minute read)

Multi-Dimensional Features in Language Models (GitHub Repo)

Quick Links

I Don't Want To Spend My One Wild And Precious Life Dealing With Google's AI Search (3 minute read)

Mixtral 8x22b on a $400 CPU faster than reading speed (GitHub Discussion)

LLMs are not suitable for (advanced) brainstorming (4 minute read)

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