TLDR AI 2024-05-22

Scale AI raises $1B πŸ’°, xAI Grok Multimodal πŸ“š, Phi-3 14B 🌐

AI phone calls?! The world's fastest conversational AI was released and it sounds just like a human (Sponsor)

Headlines & Launches

Scale AI raises $1B (6 minute read)

Microsoft wants to make Windows an AI operating system, launches Copilot Plus PCs (4 minute read)

xAI Working To Make Grok Multimodal (2 minute read)

Research & Innovation

Text Classification with LLMs (18 minute read)

Dictionary Learning on Claude Sonnet (35 minute read)

Phi-3 14B (Hugging Face Hub)

Engineering & Resources

Enhanced Video Summarization (GitHub Repo)

Debiasing Vision-Language Models (GitHub Repo)

OctoAI outperforms vLLM for self-hosted GenAI (Sponsor)

A Vision-Language Model for Real-World Applications (GitHub Repo)


ChatGPT Can Talk, But OpenAI Employees Sure Can't (5 minute read)

Ask HN: If you've used GPT-4-Turbo and Claude Opus, which do you prefer? (Hacker News Thread)

Apple announces new accessibility features, including Eye Tracking (9 minute read)

Quick Links

Auto Wiki (Product)

Redact: Mass delete your old posts from Twitter, Reddit, and 30+ services (Sponsor)

ElevenLabs Launches Reader (1 minute read)

Microsoft announces $3.3 billion investment in Wisconsin (6 minute read)

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