TLDR AI 2024-05-17

OpenAI & Reddit partnership 🀝, Hugging Face $10M compute πŸ’°, Llama 3 in NumPy πŸ’»

Launch your Machine Learning Career with Sklearn and Tensorflow (Sponsor)

Headlines & Launches

OpenAI Partners With Reddit To Integrate Unique User-Generated Content Into ChatGPT (3 minute read)

Hugging Face Is Sharing $10 Million Worth Of Compute (3 minute read)

Meta is reportedly working on camera-equipped AI earphones (2 minute read)

Research & Innovation

Pose Estimation with Dense Correspondence (16 minute read)

Cursor's instant full file edits with speculative editing (12 minute read)

Improvements to Data Analysis (8 minute read)

Engineering & Resources

Blind Image Super-Resolution (GitHub Repo)

RAG pitfalls and how to avoid them (Sponsor)

A Lightweight Vision-Language Model (GitHub Repo) (GitHub Repo)


ChatGPT-4o Vs Math (10 minute read)

Ask HN: Disillusioned after AI? (Hacker News Thread)

OpenAI Rules The Changes But Meta Changes The Rules (7 minute read)

Quick Links

3D Scene Completion for Autonomous Vehicles (GitHub Repo)

Stable Artisan (Product)

Personalized Image Generation (3 minute read)

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