TLDR AI 2024-05-16

OpenAI chief scientist leaves 👋, Google Project IDX 💻, AI spending grew 293% 📈

Lower LLM costs by 60x with Octo AI (Sponsor)

Headlines & Launches

OpenAI chief scientist Ilya Sutskever is officially leaving (4 minute read)

Project IDX, Google's next-gen IDE, is now in open beta (3 minute read)

Research & Innovation

A New Benchmark in Text-to-Image Generation for English and Chinese (34 minute read)

Coin3D (6 minute read)

Improving Diffusion Models with Perturbed-Attention (3 minute read)

Engineering & Resources

IC-Relight (GitHub Repo)

Speeding Up Foundation Model Training (GitHub Repo)

Efficient Mobile Video Understanding (GitHub Repo)

Ingest users' 3rd party data for your app's RAG pipeline (Sponsor)


Nous Hermes First Model Merge (Hugging Face Hub)

Detecting Out-of-Distribution Data (GitHub Repo)

AI Spending Grew 293% Last Year (4 minute read)

Quick Links

Braintrust AI Recruiter (Product)

AI Copilots Are Changing How Coding Is Taught (4 minute read)

OpenAI's Custom GPT Store Is Now Open To All For Free (1 minute read)

SAP + cloud-native Apache Kafka® for real-time customer experiences (Sponsor)

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