TLDR AI 2024-05-10

Stability AI Discord Bot 🤖, Music-Generating AI 🎶, You Only Cache Once 🤟

AI is about to seriously disrupt hospitality (Sponsor)

Headlines & Launches

Yellow Raises $5M for Assistive 3D Modeling (4 minute read)

Stability AI Discord Bot (3 minute read)

ElevenLabs Previews Music-Generating AI Model (3 minute read)

Research & Innovation

You Only Cache Once (25 minute read)

Consistency Language Models (21 minute read)

Engineering & Resources

Enhanced Change Detection in Images (19 minute read)

This free browser extension turns your screen captures into step-by-step video documentation (Sponsor)

Buzz Pretraining Dataset (Hugging Face Hub)

Achieving Fairness with a New Post-Processing Algorithm (36 minute read)


Gemma 10M context (6 minute read)

Vision Mamba: A Comprehensive Survey (34 minute read)

Quick Links

Alibaba Rolls Out Qwen2.5 (2 minute read)

Mistral AI Raising At A $6B Valuation (2 minute read)

Leaked Deck Reveals How OpenAI Is Pitching Publisher Partnerships (3 minute read)

Neat Bar 2: For the moments that matter (Sponsor)

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