TLDR AI 2024-02-21

SoftBank’s $100B chip venture 🚀, GPT-4 new knowledge cutoff 🧠, fine-tuning with LoRA+ ➕

Headlines & Launches

GPT-4 Knowledge Cutoff is December 2023 (1 minute read)

SoftBank Founder Masayoshi Son Aims To Raise $100 Billion For New Chip Venture (1 minute read)

Scribe $25M Series B (4 minute read)

Research & Innovation

Enhancing Fine-Tuning with LoRA+ (25 minute read)

Generative Representational Instruction Tuning (24 minute read)

DeepDive: Mamba The Hard Way (30 minute read)

Engineering & Resources

Generating Images at Any Resolution (GitHub Repo)

Boosting AI's Defense Against Adversarial Attacks (GitHub Repo)

3D object from as few as 4 pictures (GitHub Repo)

Tonic Textual: Named Entity Recognition and Synthesis for Unstructured Data (Sponsor)


How To Lose At Generative AI (7 minute read)

New LLM Benchmark (12 minute read)

Strategies For An Accelerating Future (5 minute read)

Quick Links

AdGen AI (Product Launch)

BoCoEL (GitHub Repo)

Amazon AGI Team Say Their AI Is Showing “Emergent Abilities” (2 minute read)

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