TLDR AI 2024-02-19

Anthropic Prompt Shield 🛡️, Gemini 1.5 🤖, Andrej Karpathy’s BPE implementation 💻

How to Pilot Generative AI - by Gartner and deepset (Sponsor)

Headlines & Launches

Anthropic Takes Steps To Prevent Election Misinformation (2 minute read)

Gemini 1.5 pro (12 minute read)

OpenAI's next AI product could be after your job (again) (2 minute read)

Research & Innovation

Long is More for Alignment (28 minute read)

Extreme video compression with pre-trained diffusion models (18 minute read)

Improving Math Skills in LLMs (19 minute read)

Engineering & Resources

GPTScript (GitHub Repo)

Qwen 1.8B and 72B LLMs (GitHub Repo)

Minbpe (GitHub Repo)


Sora reference papers (HuggingFace Hub)

The Data Revolution in Venture Capital (10 minute read)

Community, collaboration, creativity in the age of AI (11 minute read)

Quick Links

NVIDIA Chat With RTX (1 minute read)

Sam Altman Wants Washington Backing For His $7 Trillion AI Chip Venture (1 minute read)

OpenAI surpasses $2 billion in annualized revenue (3 minute read)

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