TLDR AI 2024-02-09

Gemini Advanced πŸš€, 1X robotics demonstration πŸ€–, transformer-based decision tree 🌲

Headlines & Launches

Gemini Advanced and a Mobile App (6 minute read)

1X robotics demonstration (4 minute read)

Research & Innovation

Boosting AI Agents' Gameplay with Task Guidance (19 minute read)

Transformer-based decision tree (GitHub Repo)

FunSearch: Making new discoveries in mathematical sciences using Large Language Models (7 minute read)

Engineering & Resources

HuggingFace lighteval Library (GitHub Repo)

Local RAG Cookbook (GitHub Repo)

A Vision-Language Model with Enhanced Visual Reasoning (GitHub Repo)

AI in Production: a Two-Day Virtual Summit by the MLOps Community (Sponsor)


How We Got Fine-Tuning Mistral-7B To Not Suck (5 minute read)

Google’s Gemini Advanced: Tasting Notes And Implications (7 minute read)

An angel investor comments on AI (2 minute read)

Quick Links

AR Glasses With Multimodal AI Nets Funding From Pokemon GO Creator (3 minute read)

Shortwave mobile assistant & instant summaries (Product Launch)

Anime Bench (Hugging Face Hub)

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