TLDR AI 2023-09-18

Adobeโ€™s Firefly generally available ๐Ÿ‘‹, survey on AI copyright issues ๐Ÿ“ƒ, AI security ๐Ÿ”

Headlines & Launches

IBM throws hat in language model arena with open source MoE models (3 minute read)

Musk Warns Senators About AI Threat, While Gates Says the Technology Could Target World Hunger (7 minute read)

Adobeโ€™s Firefly generative AI models are now generally available, get pricing plans (4 minute read)

Research & Innovation

Comprehensive survey on AI copyright issues (90 minute read)

Making One Audio Model Work for Speech, Music, and Sounds (4 minute read)

A Game-Changer in Remote Sensing Research with Synthetic Data (16 minute read)

Engineering & Resources

Making AI 'Copilots' Even Better at Fixing Code (GitHub Repo)

Multiview synthetic gets a boost (GitHub Repo)

Using Transformers for Better Sleep Analysis (GitHub Repo)


Centaurs And Cyborgs On The Jagged Frontier (7 minute read)

Illusion diffusion (Hugging Face Space)

Securing AI is the Next Big Platform Opportunity (4 minute read)

Quick Links

Click and watch your image move (4 minute read)

GPT-4 Is Not Getting Worse (8 minute read)

Trickle (Product)

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