The web's clipboard, and how it stores data of different types (20 minute read)
The Clipboard API restricts the data types that can be written to the clipboard. While the Clipboard Events API allows for arbitrary data types, it can only be used in user-triggered events. This article goes into the creative solutions employed by web applications like Google Docs and Figma to overcome these limitations, such as by using custom data types and base64 encoding for transmitting information.
Implementing React From Scratch (26 minute read)
This article details the process of building a React-like library from scratch, providing insights into its internal workings and design decisions. It starts by implementing a core rendering model, including components, virtual DOM, and reconciliation, showing how React constructs and updates the UI. It then goes into the implementation of essential hooks like `useState`, `useRef`, `useEffect`, and `useMemo`. Finally, the article discusses the implementation of `useCallback` and `useContext`, showing off the challenges and solutions involved in managing state and context sharing within a component tree.