TLDR 2024-06-18

Apple's next-gen CarPlay ๐Ÿš—, Bilt's killer bank deal ๐Ÿฆ, how stat arb works ๐Ÿ’ฑ

Big Tech & Startups

Apple's fancy new CarPlay will only work wirelessly (8 minute read)

Apple has released details on the architecture and design of next-gen CarPlay. This article discusses how next-gen CarPlay will work. Automakers will have a lot of control over how things look and work. They will be able to use their own interfaces for various features. Next-gen CarPlay will only support wireless connections.

US sues Adobe for โ€˜deceiving' subscriptions that are too hard to cancel (3 minute read)

The US government is suing Adobe for allegedly hiding expensive fees and making it difficult to cancel a subscription. The complaint claims that Adobe failed to properly disclose an early termination fee that can amount to hundreds of dollars. Customers have to go through an onerous and complicated process when canceling their subscription that involves navigating through multiple webpages and pop-ups. They encounter similar obstacles when attempting to cancel their subscriptions over the phone or via live chats. A copy of the complaint against Adobe is available at the end of the article.
Science & Futuristic Technology

TDK claims insane energy density in solid-state battery breakthrough (3 minute read)

Japanese company TDK claims it has made a material that provides an energy density of 1,000 watt-hours per liter, about 100 times greater than TDK's current batteries. The material will enable smaller device sizes and longer operating times. It offers a higher degree of stability and safety, but its fragility makes it impractical for use in cars or smartphones. TDK plans to start shipping samples of its new battery prototypes to clients next year before moving into mass production.

Scientists preserve DNA in an amber-like polymer (7 minute read)

MIT researchers have developed an amber-like polymer that can be used for long-term storage of DNA. It can store DNA at room temperature while protecting the molecules from damage caused by heat or water. The DNA can be easily removed from the polymer without damage. The process of embedding DNA into the polymer takes a few hours, but the researchers believe that the process can be sped up with further optimization.
Programming, Design & Data Science

htmx 2.0.0 has been released! (3 minute read)

htmx 2.0 ends support for Internet Explorer and tightens up some defaults. It replaces the selectAndSwap() internal API method with a public swap() method. Support for web components has been improved dramatically. The htmx website now supports dark mode. Details about the changes are available in the article.

NumPy 2.0: an evolutionary milestone (3 minute read)

NumPy 2.0 brings a wealth of enhancements and improvements and sets the stage for future feature development. Some of the key changes include a cleaned-up and streamlined Python API, improved scalar promotion rules, Windows compatibility enhancements, and support for the Python array API standard. There are also significant performance and documentation improvements. Some API and ABI changes are backwards-incompatible and users will likely need to adjust existing code when adopting the release.

The Modern Spirit Of Statistical Arbitrage (17 minute read)

This article introduces the concept of statistical arbitrage. Statistical arbitrage is a class of short-term financial trading strategies. One of the most well-known implementations of statistical arbitrage is pairs-trading.

Wells Fargo Bet on a Flashy Rent Credit Card. It Is Costing the Bank Dearly (7 minute read)

Wells Fargo launched a credit card with Bilt Technologies in 2022. The card allows users to pay for rent without incurring fees from their landlords while also earning rewards points. Wells is reportedly losing as much as $10 million every month on the program. The bank has told Bilt that it doesn't intend to renew the contract, which is scheduled to end in 2029.
Quick Links

How React 19 (Almost) Made the Internet Slower (8 minute read)

The React team has decided to hold off on a change that disables parallel rendering of siblings within the same Suspense boundary.

Looking for a talented operator with healthcare domain expertise? (LinkedIn Profile, NYC or Remote)

A close friend of mine (HBS/UPenn) is looking for his next mission, ideally a director-level strategy/ops/partnerships role in healthcare.

A+ player and human being, he was most recently a Director at Redesign Health, working with portfolio CEOs on GTM strategy and operations, ping me at to connect or check out his LinkedIn!

The case against morning yoga, daily routines, and endless meetings (12 minute read)

A tiny number of high-upside tasks will drive the most impact in your life - this article discusses how to create an environment where these tasks are more likely to come up.

A Note on Essential Complexity (9 minute read)

Complexity is anything that makes it hard to understand and modify a system - essential complexity is inherent in, and the essence of, the problem (as seen by the users).

How to create software quality (20 minute read)

Quality is created both within the development loop and across iterations of the development loop.

uikit (GitHub Repo)

uikit enables developers to build performant 3D user interfaces for Three.js using react-three-fiber and yoga.

YouTube is experimenting with Notes, a crowdsourced feature that lets users add context to videos (2 minute read)

The feature will help minimize the spread of misinformation on the platform.
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